This notebook is an implementation of Jon Danielsson's Financial Risk Forecasting (Wiley, 2011) in Julia v1.7.3, with annotations and introductory examples. The introductory examples (Appendix) are similar to Appendix B/C in the original book, with an emphasis on the differences between R/MATLAB and Julia.
Bullet point numbers correspond to the R/MATLAB Listing numbers in the original book, referred to henceforth as FRF.
More details can be found at the book website:
Last updated: June 2022
Copyright 2011-2022 Jon Danielsson. This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. The GNU General Public License is available at:
Chapter 0. Appendix - Introduction
Chapter 1. Financial Markets, Prices and Risk
Chapter 2. Univariate Volatility Modeling
Chapter 3. Multivariate Volatility Models
Chapter 4. Risk Measures
Chapter 5. Implementing Risk Forecasts
Chapter 6. Analytical Value-at-Risk for Options and Bonds
Chapter 7. Simulation Methods for VaR for Options and Bonds
Chapter 8. Backtesting and Stress Testing
Chapter 9. Extreme Value Theory
Created in Julia 1.7.3 (June 2022)
# Entering and Printing Data in Julia
# Listing J.1
# Last updated June 2018
x = 10 # assign x the value 10
println(x) # print x
## println() puts next output on new line, while print() doesn't
# Vectors, Matrices and Sequences in Julia
# Listing J.2
# Last updated July 2020
y = [1,3,5,7,9] # lists in square brackets are stored as arrays
println(y[3]) # calling 3rd element (Julia indices start at 1)
println(size(y)) # size of y
println(length(y)) # as expected, y has length 5
v = fill!(Matrix{Float64}(undef, 2,3),NaN) # 2x3 Float64 matrix of NaNs - computationally better
v = fill(NaN, (2,3)) # 2x3 Float64 matrix of NaNs - direct
println(v) # Julia prints matrices in a single line
println(size(v)) # as expected, v is size (2,3)
w = repeat([1,2,3]', outer = [3,2]) # repeats matrix thrice by rows, twice by columns
s = 1:10 # s is an sequence which one can loop across
println(collect(s)) # return sequence elements as an array
# Basic Summary Statistics in Julia
# Listing J.3
# Last updated July 2020
y = [3.14,15,9.26,5]
using Statistics; # load package needed
println("sum: ", sum(y)) # return sum of all elements of y
println("product: ", prod(y)) # return product of all elements of y
println("max: ", maximum(y)) # return maximum value of y
println("min: ", minimum(y)) # return minimum value of y
println("mean: ", mean(y)) # arithmetic mean
println("median: ", median(y)) # median
println("variance: ", var(y)) # variance
println("cov_matrix: ", cov(y)) # covar matrix = variance for single vector
println("cor_matrix: ", cor(y)) # corr matrix = [1] for single vector
println(sort(y)) # sorts y in ascending order
println(log.(y)) # natural log, note . denotes elementwise operation
# Calculating Moments in Julia
# Listing J.4
# Last updated June 2018
using StatsBase;
println("mean: ", mean(y)) # mean
println("variance: ", var(y)) # variance
println("std dev: ", std(y)) # unbiased standard deviation
println("skewness: ", skewness(y)) # skewness
println("kurtosis: ", kurtosis(y)) # EXCESS kurtosis (note the different default)
# Basic Matrix Operations in Julia
# Listing J.5
# Last updated June 2018
z = Matrix([[1 2];[3 4]]) # z is a 2 x 2 matrix
x = Matrix([1 2]) # x is a 1 x 2 matrix
## Note: z * x is undefined since the two matrices are not conformable
println(z * x') # this evaluates to a 2 x 1 matrix
b = vcat(z,x) # "stacking" z and x vertically
c = hcat(z,x') # "stacking" z and x' horizontally
## Note: dimensions must match along the combining axis
# Statistical Distributions in Julia
# Listing J.6
# Last updated July 2020
## Julia has a wide range of functions contained in the package Distributions.jl
## Vectorized versions of the functions are used here as they are relevant for FRF
using Distributions;
q = collect((-3:1:3)) # specify a set of values
p = collect((0.1:0.1:0.9)) # specify a set of probabilities
println(quantile.(Normal(0,1),p)) # element-wise inverse Normal quantile
println(cdf.(TDist(4), q)) # element-wise cdf calculation under Student-t(4)
println(pdf.(Chisq(2), q)) # element-wise pdf calculation under Chisq(2)
## Similar syntax for other dists, e.g. Bernoulli(p), Binomial(n,p), Poisson(Ξ»)
## For full list of supported distributions, see Distributions.jl documentation
## One can also obtain pseudorandom samples from distributions using rand()
x = rand(TDist(5), 100) # Sampling 100 times from TDist with 5 df
y = rand(Normal(0,1), 50) # Sampling 50 times from a standard normal
## Given data, we obtain MLE estimates of parameters with fit_mle():
fit_mle(Normal, x) # Fitting x to normal dist
## Some distributions like the Student-t cannot be fitted yet (as of July 2020)
## Supported dists:
# Statistical Tests in Julia
# Listing J.7
# Last updated July 2020
using Random, HypothesisTests; # loading required packages
Random.seed!(100) # set random seed
x = rand(TDist(5), 500) # create hypothetical dataset x
println(JarqueBeraTest(x)) # Jarque-Bera test for normality
println(LjungBoxTest(x,20)) # Ljung-Box test for serial correlation
# Time Series in Julia
# Listing J.8
# Last updated July 2020
using Plots;
x = rand(TDist(5), 60) # Create hypothetical dataset x
acf = autocor(x, 1:20) # autocorrelation for lags 1:20
pacf = autocor(x, 1:20) # partial autocorrelation for lags 1:20
## Plotting using Plots.jl
plot(bar(acf, title = "Autocorrelation", legend = false), bar(pacf, title = "Partial autocorrelation", legend = false))
# Loops and Functions in Julia
# Listing J.9
# Last updated July 2020
## For loops
for i in range(3,length = 5) # using range with the "length" option
println(i^2) # where n = number of terms
end # this iterates over [3,4,5,6,7]
## If-else loops
X = 10
if X % 3 == 0
println("X is a multiple of 3")
println("X is not a multiple of 3")
## Functions (example: a simple excess kurtosis function)
using Statistics;
function excess_kurtosis(x, excess = 3)::Float64 # excess optional, default = 3
m4 = mean((x .- mean(x)).^4) # element-wise exponentiation .^
excess_kurt = m4/(std(x)^4) - excess
return excess_kurt
using Random, Distributions;
x = rand(TDist(5), 60) # Create hypothetical dataset x
## Note: we have forced output to be of type Float64 by the type declaration above
# Basic Graphs in Julia
# Listing J.10
# Last updated July 2020
## For the simple plots in FRF we use Plots.jl
## Full documentation at
## By default, Plots.jl uses the GR backend, sufficient for plots done in FRF
## Alternative backends are also available, e.g. Plotly, PlotlyJS
y = rand(Normal(0,1), 50)
## Plotting barplot, lineplot, histogram, scatterplot of y
return plot(bar(y, title = "Bar plot"), plot(y, title = "Line plot"),
histogram(y, title = "Histogram"), scatter(y, title = "Scatter plot"), legend = false)
## Wrapping plot(...) around multiple plots allows for automatic subplotting
## Options in wrapped plot(...) apply to all subplots
## Plot individual graphs using histogram(y), bar(y), etc. directly
## More examples using GR (plus syntax for customizations) can be found online:
# Miscellaneous Useful Functions in Julia
# Listing J.11
# Last updated July 2020
## 1) To convert objects from one type to another, use convert(Type, object)
## To check type, use typeof(object)
x = 8.0
x = convert(Int, 8.0)
## 2) To type Greek letters, type \ + name + Tab in succession
## e.g. \gammaTab gives you Ξ³ and \GammaTab gives you Ξ
## Greek letters are sometimes essential in retrieving parameters from functions
## e.g. res = fit_mle(Normal, x) will return an object res of type Distribution
## with fitted parameters res.ΞΌ and res.Ο
y = rand(Normal(0,1), 100)
res = fit_mle(Normal, y)
println("Fitted mean: ", res.ΞΌ)
println("Fitted sd: ", res.Ο)
# Download S&P 500 data in Julia
# Listing 1.1/1.2
# Last updated June 2022
using CSV, DataFrames;
price ="index.csv",DataFrame)
y = diff(log.(price[:,1]))
using Plots;
plot(y, title = "S&P500 returns", legend = false)
# Sample statistics in Julia
# Listing 1.3/1.4
# Last updated July 2020
using Statistics, StatsBase;
println("Standard deviation: ", std(y), "\n")
println("Minimum value: ", minimum(y), "\n")
println("Maximum value: ", maximum(y), "\n")
println("Skewness: ", skewness(y), "\n")
println("Kurtosis: ", kurtosis(y), "\n")
println("Autocorrelation of returns:", "\n", autocor(y, 1:20), "\n")
println("Autocorrelation of returns squared:", "\n", autocor(y.^2, 1:20), "\n")
using HypothesisTests;
println(LjungBoxTest(y.^2, 20))
# ACF plots and the Ljung-Box test in Julia
# Listing 1.5/1.6
# Last updated July 2020
q1 = autocor(y, 1:20)
q2 = autocor(y.^2, 1:20)
plot(bar(q1, title = "ACF of returns"),
bar(q2, title = "ACF of returns squared"), legend = false)
# QQ plots in Julia
# Listing 1.7/1.8
# Last updated July 2020
using StatsPlots, Distributions;
plot(qqplot(Normal,float(y),qqline=:quantile, title = "QQPlot vs Normal"),
qqplot(TDist(5),float(y),qqline=:quantile, title = "QQPlot vs Student-t(5)"),
qqplot(TDist(4),float(y),qqline=:quantile, title = "QQPlot vs Student-t(4)"),
qqplot(TDist(3),float(y),qqline=:quantile, title = "QQPlot vs Student-t(3)"))
# Download stock prices in Julia
# Listing 1.9/1.10
# Last updated June 2022
price ="stocks.csv", DataFrame)
y1 = diff(log.(price[:,1]))
y2 = diff(log.(price[:,2]))
y3 = diff(log.(price[:,3]))
y = hcat(y1,y2,y3)
println(cor(y)) # correlation matrix
# ARCH and GARCH estimation in Julia
# Listing 2.1/2.2
# Last updated June 2022
using CSV, Statistics, DataFrames;
p ="index.csv",DataFrame)
y = diff(log.(p[:,1]))*100
y = y .- mean(y)
using ARCHModels;
## ARCH(1)
arch1 = fit(ARCH{1}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
println("ARCH(1) model:", "\n", arch1)
## ARCH(4)
arch4 = fit(ARCH{4}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
println("ARCH(4) model:", "\n", arch4)
## Note: Order of GARCH arguments here is reversed
## First argument: lags for sigma, second argument: lags for returns squared
## GARCH(4,1)
garch4_1 = fit(GARCH{1,4}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
println("GARCH(4,1) model:", "\n", garch4_1)
## GARCH(1,1)
garch1_1 = fit(GARCH{1,1}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
println("GARCH(1,1) model:", "\n", garch1_1)
## tGARCH(1,1)
tgarch1_1 = fit(GARCH{1,1}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept, dist = StdT);
println("tGARCH(1,1) model:", "\n", tgarch1_1)
# Advanced ARCH and GARCH estimation in Julia
# Listing 2.3/2.4
# Last updated July 2020
leverage_garch1_1 = fit(TGARCH{1, 1,1}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
println("GARCH(1,1) with leverage effects model:", "\n", leverage_garch1_1)
## There is no package for apARCH estimation in Julia at present
# Download stock prices in Julia
# Listing 3.1/3.2
# Last updated June 2022
using CSV, Statistics, DataFrames;
p ="stocks.csv", DataFrame);
y1 = diff(log.(p[:,1])).*100; # consider first two stocks
y2 = diff(log.(p[:,2])).*100; # convert prices to returns
y1 = y1 .- mean(y1); # subtract mean
y2 = y2 .- mean(y2);
y = hcat(y1,y2); # combine both series horizontally
T = size(y,1); # get the length of time series
# EWMA in Julia
# Listing 3.3/3.4
# Last updated July 2020
## create a matrix to hold covariance matrix for each t
EWMA = fill(NaN, (T,3))
lambda = 0.94
S = cov(y) # initial (t=1) covar matrix
EWMA[1,:] = [S[1], S[4], S[2]] # extract var and covar
for i in 2:T # loop though the sample
S = lambda*S + (1-lambda)*y[i-1,:]*(y[i-1,:])'
EWMA[i,:] = [S[1], S[4], S[2]] # convert matrix to vector
EWMArho = EWMA[:,3]./sqrt.(EWMA[:,1].*EWMA[:,2]); # calculate correlations
# OGARCH in Julia
# Listing 3.5/3.6
# Last updated July 2020
## No OGARCH code available in Julia at present
# DCC in Julia
# Listing 3.7/3.8
# Last updated July 2020
using ARCHModels, Plots;
## Multivariate models in ARCHModel package
dcc = fit(DCC{1, 1, GARCH{1, 1}}, y; meanspec = NoIntercept);
## Access covariances
H = covariances(dcc);
## Getting correlations
DCCrho = [correlations(dcc)[i][1,2] for i = 1:T];
plot(DCCrho, title = "Correlations", legend = false)
# Correlation comparison in Julia
# Listing 3.9/3.10
# Last updated July 2020
## No OGARCH code available in Julia at present
# ES in Julia
# Listing 4.1/4.2
# Last updated June 2018
using Distributions;
p = [0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.001]
VaR = quantile.(Normal(0,1), p)
ES = pdf.(Normal(0,1), quantile.(Normal(0,1),p))./p
# Download stock prices in Julia
# Listing 5.1/5.2
# Last updated June 2022
using CSV, DataFrames;
p ="stocks.csv", DataFrame);
## Convert prices of first two stocks to returns
y1 = diff(log.(p[:,1]));
y2 = diff(log.(p[:,2]));
y = hcat(y1,y2);
T = size(y,1);
value = 1000; # portfolio value
p = 0.01; # probability
# Univariate HS in Julia
# Listing 5.3/5.4
# Last updated July 2020
ys = sort(y1) # sort returns
op = ceil(Int, T*p) # p percent smallest, rounding up
VaR1 = -ys[op] * value
println("Univariate HS VaR ", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR1, digits = 3), " USD")
# Multivariate HS in Julia
# Listing 5.5/5.6
# Last updated July 2020
w = [0.3; 0.7] # vector of portfolio weights
yp = y * w # portfolio returns
yps = sort(yp)
VaR2 = -yps[op] * value
println("Multivariate HS VaR ", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR2, digits = 3), " USD")
# Univariate ES in Julia
# Listing 5.7/5.8
# Last updated July 2020
using Statistics;
ES1 = -mean(ys[1:op]) * value
println("ES: ", round(ES1, digits = 3), " USD")
# Normal VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.9/5.10
# Last updated July 2020
using Distributions;
sigma = std(y1); # estimate volatility
VaR3 = -sigma * quantile(Normal(0,1),p) * value
println("Normal VaR", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR3, digits = 3), " USD")
# Portfolio normal VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.11/5.12
# Last updated July 2020
sigma = sqrt(w'*cov(y)*w) # portfolio volatility
VaR4 = -sigma * quantile(Normal(0,1), p) * value
println("Portfolio normal VaR", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR4, digits = 3), " USD")
# Student-t VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.13/5.14
# Last updated July 2020
## Julia does not have a function for fitting Student-t data yet
## Currently: there exists Distributions.jl with fit_mle
## usage: Distributions.fit_mle(Dist_name, data[, weights])
## using Distributions;
## res = fit_mle(TDist, y1)
## nu = res.Ξ½ (this is the Greek letter nu, not Latin v)
## sigma = sqrt(nu/(nu-2))
## VaR5 = -sigma * quantile(TDist(nu), p) * value
# Normal ES in Julia
# Listing 5.15/5.16
# Last updated July 2020
sigma = std(y1)
ES2 = sigma * pdf(Normal(0,1), (quantile(Normal(0,1), p))) / p * value
println("Normal ES: ", round(ES2, digits = 3), " USD")
# Direct integration ES in Julia
# Listing 5.17/5.18
# Last updated July 2020
using QuadGK;
VaR = -quantile(Normal(0,1), p)
integrand(x) = x * pdf(Normal(0,1), x)
ES3 = -sigma * quadgk(integrand, -Inf, -VaR)[1] / p * value
println("Normal integrated ES: ", round(ES3, digits = 3), " USD")
# MA normal VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.19/5.20
# Last updated July 2020
WE = 20
for t in T-5:T
t1 = t-WE
window = y1[t1+1:t] # estimation window
sigma = std(window)
VaR6 = -sigma*quantile(Normal(0,1),p)*value
println("MA Normal VaR", Int(p*100), "% using observations ", t1, " to ", t, ": ",
round(VaR6, digits = 3), " USD")
# EWMA VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.21/5.22
# Last updated July 2020
lambda = 0.94
s11 = var(y1) # initial variance
for t in 2:T
s11 = lambda * s11 + (1-lambda) * y1[t-1]^2
VaR7 = -sqrt(s11) * quantile(Normal(0,1), p) * value
println("EWMA VaR ", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR7, digits = 3), " USD")
# Two-asset EWMA VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.23/5.24
# Last updated July 2020
s = cov(y) # initial covariance
for t in 2:T
s = lambda * s + (1-lambda) * y[t-1,:] * (y[t-1,:])'
sigma = sqrt(w'*s*w) # portfolio vol
VaR8 = -sigma * quantile(Normal(0,1), p) * value
println("Two-asset EWMA VaR ", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(VaR8, digits = 3), " USD")
# GARCH VaR in Julia
# Listing 5.25/5.26
# Last updated July 2020
## We use the ARCHModels package
using ARCHModels;
garch1_1 = fit(GARCH{1,1}, y1; meanspec = NoIntercept);
## In-sample GARCH VaR - Use the VaRs function
garch_VaR_in = VaRs(garch1_1, :0.01)
## Out-of-sample GARCH VaR - Use the predict function
cond_vol = predict(garch1_1, :volatility) # 1-day-ahead conditional volatility
garch_VaR_out = -cond_vol * quantile(garch1_1.dist, p) * value
println("GARCH VaR ", Int(p*100), "%: ", round(garch_VaR_out, digits = 3), " USD")
# Black-Scholes function in Julia
# Listing 6.1/6.2
# Last updated July 2020
using Distributions;
##If using function_name(;) to define a function,
##you need to supply argument names when calling the functions
function bs(; X = 1, P = 1, r = 0.05, sigma = 1, T = 1)
#function bs(X, P, r, sigma, T)
d1 = (log.(P/X) .+ (r .+ 0.5 .* sigma.^2).*T)./(sigma .* sqrt.(T))
d2 = d1 .- sigma * sqrt.(T)
Call = P .* cdf.(Normal(0,1), d1) .- X .* exp.(-r * T) .* cdf.(Normal(0,1), d2)
Put = X .* exp(-r .* T) .* cdf.(Normal(0,1),-d2) .- P .* cdf.(Normal(0,1), -d1)
Delta_Call = cdf.(Normal(0,1), d1)
Delta_Put = Delta_Call .- 1
Gamma = pdf.(Normal(0,1), d1) ./ (P .* sigma .* sqrt(T))
return Dict("Call" => Call, "Put" => Put, "Delta_Call" => Delta_Call, "Delta_Put" => Delta_Put, "Gamma" => Gamma)
# Black-Scholes in Julia
# Listing 6.3/6.4
# Last updated July 2020
f = bs(X = 90, P = 100, r = 0.05, sigma = 0.2, T = 0.5)
# Transformation in Julia
# Listing 7.1/7.2
# Last updated July 2020
x = -3:0.1:3
using Distributions, Plots;
return plot(x, cdf.(Normal(0,1), x), title = "CDF of Standard Normal", legend = false)
# Various RNs in Julia
# Listing 7.3/7.4
# Last updated July 2020
using Random;
Random.seed!(12); # set seed
S = 10;
println(S, " draws from Uniform(0,1): \n", rand(Uniform(0,1), S), "\n") # alternatively, rand(S)
println(S, " draws from Normal(0,1): \n", rand(Normal(0,1), S), "\n") # alternatively, randn(S)
println(S, " draws from Student-t(4): \n", rand(TDist(4), S), "\n")
# Price bond in Julia
# Listing 7.5/7.6
# Last updated July 2020
yield_c = [5.00, 5.69, 6.09, 6.38, 6.61,
6.79, 6.94, 7.07, 7.19, 7.30] # yield curve
T = length(yield_c)
r = 0.07 # initial yield rate
Par = 10 # par value
coupon = r * Par # coupon payments
cc = repeat([coupon], outer = 10) # vector of cash flows
cc[T] += Par # add par to cash flows
P = sum(cc./((1 .+ yield_c/100).^(1:T))) # calc price
println("Price of the bond: ", round(P, digits = 3), " USD")
# Simulate yields in Julia
# Listing 7.7/7.8
# Last updated July 2020
Random.seed!(12) # set seed
sigma = 1.5 # daily yield volatility
S = 8 # number of simulations
r = rand(Normal(0,1), S) # generate random numbers
ysim = fill(NaN, (T,S))
for i in 1:S
ysim[:,i] = yield_c .+ r[i]
plot(ysim, title = "Simulated yield curves")
# Simulate bond prices in Julia
# Listing 7.9/7.10
# Last updated July 2020
using Statistics, StatsPlots;
SP = fill(NaN, S)
for i in 1:S # S simulations
SP[i] = sum(cc./(1 .+ ysim[:,i]./100).^(1:T))
SP .-= (mean(SP) - P) # correct for mean
S = 50000
r = randn(S) * sigma
ysim = fill(NaN, (T,S))
for i in 1:S
ysim[:,i] = yield_c .+ r[i]
SP = fill(NaN, S)
for i in 1:S
SP[i] = sum(cc./(1 .+ ysim[:,i]./100).^(1:T))
SP .-= (mean(SP) - P)
histogram(SP,nbins=100,normed=true,xlims=(7,13), legend = false, title = "Histogram of simulated bond prices with fitted normal")
res = fit_mle(Normal, SP)
plot!(Normal(res.ΞΌ, res.Ο), linewidth = 4, legend = false)
# Simulate bond prices in Julia
# Listing 7.11/7.12
# Last updated June 2022
P0 = 50 # initial spot price
sigma = 0.2 # annual volatility
r = 0.05 # annual interest
T = 0.5 # time to expiration
X = 40 # strike price
f = bs(X = X, P = P0, r = r, sigma = sigma, T = T) # analytical call price
## This calculation uses the Black-Scholes pricing function (Listing 6.1/6.2)
# Black-Scholes simulation in Julia
# Listing 7.13/7.14
# Last updated July 2020
Random.seed!(12) # set seed
S = 10^6 # number of simulations
ysim = randn(S) * sigma * sqrt(T) .- 0.5 * sigma^2 * T # sim returns, lognorm corrected
F = P0 * exp(r * T) * exp.(ysim) # simulated future prices
SP = F .- X # payoff
SP[SP.<0] .= 0 # set negative outcomes to zero
fsim = SP * exp(-r * T) # discount
call_sim = mean(fsim) # simulated price
println("Simulated call price: ", round(call_sim, digits = 3))
# Option density plots in Julia
# Listing 7.15/7.16
# Last updated July 2020
histogram(F, bins = 100, normed = true, xlims = (20,80), title = "Simulated prices density", label = false)
res = fit_mle(Normal, F)
plot!(Normal(res.ΞΌ, res.Ο), linewidth = 4, label = "Fitted normal")
vline!([X], linewidth = 4, color = "black", label = "Strike price")
histogram(fsim, bins = 110, normed = true, xlims = (0,35), title = "Option density", label = false)
vline!([f["Call"]], linewidth = 4, color = "black", label = "Call price")
# Simulate VaR in Julia
# Listing 7.17/7.18
# Last updated July 2020
Random.seed!(1) # set seed
S = 10^7 # number of simulations
s2 = 0.01^2 # daily variance
p = 0.01 # probability
r = 0.05 # annual riskfree rate
P = 100 # price today
ysim = randn(S) * sqrt(s2) .+ r/365 .- 0.5 * s2 # sim returns
Psim = P * exp.(ysim) # sim future prices
q = sort(Psim .- P) # simulated P/L
VaR1 = -q[ceil(Int, p*S)]
println("Simulated VaR", ceil(Int, p*100), "%: ", round(VaR1, digits = 3), " USD")
# Simulate option VaR in Julia
# Listing 7.19/7.20
# Last updated June 2022
T = 0.25 # time to expiration
X = 100 # strike price
sigma = sqrt(s2 * 250) # annual volatility
f = bs(X = X,P = P,r = r,sigma = sigma,T = T) # analytical call price
fsim = bs(X = X,P = Psim, r = r, sigma = sigma, T = T-(1/365)) # sim option prices
q = sort(fsim["Call"] .- f["Call"]) # simulated P/L
VaR2 = -q[ceil(Int, p*S)]
println("Simulated Option VaR", ceil(Int, p*100), "%: ", round(VaR2, digits = 3), " USD")
# Example 7.3 in Julia
# Listing 7.21/7.22
# Last updated June 2022
X1 = 100
X2 = 110
f1 = bs(X = X1,P = P,r = r,sigma = sigma,T = T)
f2 = bs(X = X2,P = P,r = r,sigma = sigma,T = T)
f2sim = bs(X = X2,P = Psim,r = r,sigma = sigma,T = T-(1/365))
f1sim = bs(X = X1,P = Psim,r = r,sigma = sigma,T = T-(1/365))
q = sort(f1sim["Call"] .+ f2sim["Put"] .+ Psim .- f1["Call"] .- f2["Put"] .- P)
VaR3 = -q[ceil(Int, p*S)]
println("Portfolio Option VaR", ceil(Int, p*100), "%: ", round(VaR3, digits = 3), " USD")
# Simulated two-asset returns in Julia
# Listing 7.23/7.24
# Last updated July 2020
Random.seed!(12); # set seed
mu = Vector([r/365, r/365]); # return mean
Sigma = [0.01 0.0005; 0.0005 0.02]; # covariance matrix
y = rand(MvNormal(mu,Sigma), S); # simulated returns
# Two-asset VaR in Julia
# Listing 7.25/7.26
# Last updated July 2020
K = 2
P = [100 50] # prices
x = [1 1] # number of assets
Port = reshape(P * x', 1)[1] # portfolio at t
Psim = repeat(P, outer = [S,1]).*exp.(y)' # simulated prices
PortSim = reshape(Psim * x', S) # simulated portfolio value
q = sort(PortSim .- Port) # simulated P/L
VaR4 = -q[ceil(Int, p * S)]
println("Two-asset VaR", ceil(Int, p*100), "%: ", round(VaR4, digits = 3), " USD")
# A two-asset case in Julia with an option
# Listing 7.27/7.28
# Last updated June 2022
f = bs(X = P[2], P = P[2], r = r, sigma = sigma, T = T)
fsim = bs(X = P[2], P = Psim[:,2], r = r, sigma = sigma, T = T-(1/365))
q = sort(fsim["Call"] .+ Psim[:,1] .- f["Call"] .- P[1])
VaR5 = -q[ceil(Int, p * S)]
println("Two-asset with option VaR", ceil(Int, p*100), "%: ", round(VaR5, digits = 3), " USD")
# Load data in Julia
# Listing 8.1/8.2
# Last updated June 2022
using CSV, DataFrames;
price ="index.csv", DataFrame);
y = diff(log.(price[:,1])); # get returns
# Set backtest up in Julia
# Listing 8.3/8.4
# Last updated July 2020
using Statistics;
T = length(y) # number of obs for return y
WE = 1000 # estimation window length
p = 0.01 # probability
l1 = ceil(Int, WE*p) # HS observation
value = 1 # portfolio value
VaR = fill(NaN, (T,4)) # matrix for forecasts
## EWMA setup
lambda = 0.94
s11 = var(y)
for t in 2:WE
# Running backtest in Julia
# Listing 8.5/8.6
# Last updated July 2020
using Distributions, ARCHModels;
for t in WE+1:T
t1 = t - WE # start of data window
t2 = t - 1 # end of data window
window = y[t1:t2] # data for estimation
s11 = lambda * s11 + (1-lambda) * y[t-1]^2
VaR[t,1]= -quantile(Normal(0,1),p) * sqrt(s11) * value # EWMA
VaR[t,2]= -std(window) * quantile(Normal(0,1),p) * value # MA
ys = sort(window)
VaR[t,3] = -ys[l1] * value # HS
garch1_1 = fit(GARCH{1,1}, window; meanspec = NoIntercept);
cond_vol = predict(garch1_1, :volatility)
VaR[t,4]= -cond_vol * quantile(Normal(0,1),p) * value # GARCH(1,1)
# Backtesting analysis in Julia
# Listing 8.7/8.8
# Last updated July 2020
using Plots;
W1 = WE + 1
names = ["Returns" "EWMA" "MA" "HS" "GARCH"]
for i in 1:4
VR = sum(y[W1:T] .< -VaR[W1:T, i]) / (p * (T - WE))
s = std(VaR[W1:T,i])
println(names[i+1], "\n", "VR: ", round(VR, digits = 3), " VaR volatility: ", round(s, digits = 4))
plot([y, VaR[:,1], VaR[:,2], VaR[:,3], VaR[:,4]], label = names, title = "Backtesting")
# Bernoulli coverage test in Julia
# Listing 8.9/8.10
# Last updated June 2018
function bern_test(p,v)
lv = length(v)
sv = sum(v)
al = log(p)*sv + log(1-p)*(lv-sv)
bl = log(sv/lv)*sv + log(1-sv/lv)*(lv-sv)
return (-2*(al-bl))
# Independence test in Julia
# Listing 8.11/8.12
# Last updated July 2020
function ind_test(V)
J = fill(0, (T,4))
for i in 2:length(V)
J[i,1] = (V[i-1] == 0) & (V[i] == 0)
J[i,2] = (V[i-1] == 0) & (V[i] == 1)
J[i,3] = (V[i-1] == 1) & (V[i] == 0)
J[i,4] = (V[i-1] == 1) & (V[i] == 1)
V_00 = sum(J[:,1])
V_01 = sum(J[:,2])
V_10 = sum(J[:,3])
V_11 = sum(J[:,4])
hat_p = (V_01+V_11)/(V_00+V_01+V_10+V_11)
al = log(1-hat_p)*(V_00+V_10) + log(hat_p)*(V_01+V_11)
bl = log(p_00)*V_00 + log(p_01)*V_01 + log(p_10)*V_10 + log(p_11)*V_11
return (-2*(al-bl))
# Backtesting S&P 500 in Julia
# Listing 8.13/8.14
# Last updated July 2020
W1 = WE+1
ya = y[W1:T]
VaRa = VaR[W1:T,:]
names = ["EWMA", "MA", "HS", "GARCH"]
for i in 1:4
q = y[W1:T] .< -VaR[W1:T,i]
v = VaRa .* 0
v[q,i] .= 1
ber = bern_test(p, v[:,i])
ind = ind_test(v[:,i])
println(names[i], "\n",
"Bernoulli statistic: ", round(ber, digits = 2), " p-value: ", round(1-cdf(Chisq(1), ber), digits = 4), "\n",
"Independence statistic: ", round(ind, digits = 2), " p-value: ", round(1-cdf(Chisq(1), ind), digits = 4), "\n")
# Backtest ES in Julia
# Listing 8.15/8.16
# Last updated July 2020
VaR = fill(NaN, (T,2)) # VaR forecasts
ES = fill(NaN, (T,2)) # ES forecasts
for t in WE+1:T
t1 = t - WE
t2 = t - 1
window = y[t1:t2]
s11 = lambda*s11+(1-lambda)*y[t-1]^2
VaR[t,1]=-quantile(Normal(0,1),p)*sqrt(s11)*value # EWMA
ys = sort(window)
VaR[t,2] = -ys[l1] * value # HS
ES[t,2] = -mean(ys[1:l1]) * value
# ES in Julia
# Listing 8.17/8.18
# Last updated July 2020
ESa = ES[W1:T,:]
VaRa = VaR[W1:T,:]
m = ["EWMA", "HS"]
for i in 1:2
q = ya .<= -VaRa[:,i]
nES = mean(ya[q] ./ -ESa[q,i])
println(m[i], " nES: ", round(nES, digits = 3))
# Hill estimator in Julia
# Listing 9.1/9.2
# Last updated June 2018
ysort = sort(y) # sort the returns
CT = 100 # set the threshold
iota = 1/mean(log.(ysort[1:CT]/ysort[CT+1])) # get the tail index